


Globalization and Post-modernism of Urban Design and Spatial Restructuring: 30 Years' Retrospect and Perspective of the Hsin-Yi Project in Taipei




李得全(Te-Chuan Li);周志龍(Tsu-Lung Chou)


全球化 ; 後現代主義 ; 都市設計 ; 空間再結構 ; 信義計畫 ; Globalization ; Post-modernism ; Urban Design ; Spatial Restructuring ; Hsin-Yi Project




81期(2012 / 09 / 01)


125 - 150






This paper at first penetrates the phenomena and argumentations of globalization and proposes the analytical framework of spatial restructuring of the Hsin-Yi Project. Secondly, reviews the social context discussions of emergence and evolution from modernism to post-modernism, scrutinizes the urban design profrssional disputes of spatial reproduction under this social context. Then, retrospects the development context of Taipei city and the Hsin-Yi Project, and analyzes the spatial restructuring trajectories and changes of the Hsin-Yi Project. Fourthly, interprets the behine logic and context of social contestations and ideologies of the Hsin-Yi Project for 30 years development so as to discusses the meaning and enlightenment of the Hsin-Yi Project for 30 years development. Finally, summarizes and proposes the conclusion of the institutional realities and challenges of urban planning and design in Taiwan, Taipei and the Hsin-Yi Project.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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