


Anthropometry and Mobility Function in Elders




張力山(Li-Shan Chang);李淑貞(Shwn-Jen Lee);王順治(Shun-Chih Wang);曾亞惠(Ya-Hui Tseng);蔡佳芸(Chia-Yun Tsai)


老年人 ; 3度空間人體測量 ; 作業域 ; 扶手高度 ; Elders ; Anthropometry ; Grip Strength ; Working Area




81期(2012 / 09 / 01)


151 - 168




台灣人口老化近年來持續加速,至民國100年底65歲以上老人佔總人口10.89%,超過252萬人。國內現有之老人相關人體計測資料受限於測量項目、樣本數量及涵蓋年齡層,不足以作為無障礙或通用設計之參考。本研究目的在進行廣泛且完整的人體計測調查,以建置本土老人之人體尺寸資料庫,並作為發展全人關懷相關科技及設計基礎。以多關節3度空間量測系統測量300位65歲以上具自主行走能力老人(151位女性及149位男性,平均年齡72.3±5.8歲)的坐姿(36項)與立姿(28項)人體尺寸、正常及最大作業域,另測量握力、扶手高度及伸手可及範圍。結果顯示除了坐姿與立姿胸部深度、坐姿腹部深度及立姿臀部寬度外,男性尺寸皆大於女性。男性作業域長度均大於女性。全體受試者平均握力為27.9kg,女性為21.4kg,男性為34.4kg;心物法扶手高度為76.9cm,女性為73.7cm,男性為80.2cm。本研究座椅面及扶手之建議高度與國內外其它研究差距約為4 cm;廚房工作檯面建議高度與其它研究相符,男性為90-95cm,女性則為85-90cm。


People aged 65 and older reached 2.52million (10.89% of population) in 2011. Current studies are limited by measured items, sample size and covered age groups, thus the purpose of this study was to collect comprehensive anthropometric data in elders using a 3-dimensional anthropometer. Thirty-six and 28 anthropometric measurements in sitting and standing positions, respectively, working area, grip strength, handrail height and functional reach were collected from 300 elders(151 females and 149 males, age 72.3±5.8 years). Except for chest depth, sitting abdominal depth and standing buttock width, males had greater values in all other anthropometric items, compared to females. Average grip strength of all participants was 27.9kg with 21.4kg for females and 34.4kg for males. The average self-determined handrail height was 76.9cm with 73.7cm for females and 80.2cm for males. These findings may be crucial for environmental designs in elders.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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