


The Relation between Architectural Curriculum and Educating Architects


陳佩瑜(Pei-Yu Chen);洪育成(Yu-Cheng Hung)


建築教育 ; 建築師養成 ; 主軸課程架構 ; 能力指標 ; Architectural Education ; Educating Architects ; Core Curriculum ; Competency Descriptors




83期(2013 / 03 / 28)


37 - 61




在瞬息萬變,國際間互動頻繁的現代,各地區或文化之間的差異與抽象距離愈來愈縮短的當下,建築師實踐建築行為的本質則愈來愈複雜,這個行業的市場在WTO、APEC、GPA等世界規則之壓力下,故步自封的鎖國或保護政策勢不可行,國際間在專業上的互認互惠行為才是箭在弦上的當務之急。教育部、建築相關的學會、公會、社團組織逐漸意識到這個關鍵時刻,也慢慢啟動建築教改的機制。因此,本研究期望瞭解目前的高等建築教育在教什麼,也想標明出其主軸課程架構的特質。本研究針對全台灣11所學校中之13個建築系(組)的課程,經過編碼程序及運算分析,將所有課程的學分數重新分配進含7大類別、29門科目、168項能力指標的 同一架構平台中,並與當今世界兩大經濟體(美國、中國)所採用之建築學程標準做卡方適合度檢定,因而得知台灣目前的高等建築教育主軸課程,雖然依舊都宣稱培育建築師的傳統目標,但是,依各校傾向程度的不同,在面對國際專業挑戰時,台灣的高等建築教育其實各有不同層面的特質潛力及發展方向。


During this ever-changing stage, the international interaction and shortened distance by newly developed cultural and new technology has made the profession of architects complicated. This study tends to realize what has been taught in higher architectural education and labels the characteristics of the core curriculum. This study analyzes curriculum of 13 programs provided by 11 architectural schools by coding each course and redistributes all the credits of courses into the competency framework (7 areas, 29 courses and 168 competency descriptors) for comparing with NCARB Education Standard which has been adopted by two big economics-U.S. and China to accredit their own and mutual professional architectural degrees. Through the method of Chi-Square Goodness of Fit it is found that most programs show different interest to architectural education from international point of view.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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