


Dwelling in Staff Dependants' Village: A Study of Historical-Social Space in Tai-Power Village of Shen-Ao


倪進誠(Chin-Cheng Ni);黃躍雯(Yueh-Wen Huang);吳孟宜(Meng-Yi Wu)


棲居 ; 存在現象學 ; 職住型社區 ; 台電新邨 ; Dwelling ; Existential Phenomenology ; Staff Dependants' Village ; Tai-power Village




84期(2013 / 06 / 30)


163 - 184






Tai-power village, apartments for the staff and their family, is belonging to Shen-ao power plant. For understanding the historical-social space of the community and exploring the howness of dwelling for the residents, we adopted the ideas of existential phenomenology focused on Dasein form Heidegger by the methods of the literature review, environment investigation, participation observation and in-depth interview. Firstly, we found the conducts to live and work in peace and contentment at the beginning and to rely on other places recently were both advantageous to dwelling in poetic life for them. Secondly, the result presented that the time-space routine has concretely showed the concerned locale as well as the ready-to-hand spaces. These spaces would be made a close connection by the directionality given or would be newly located in their neighborhood for the resident. Thirdly, owing to the contradiction happened between the offering of an excellent dwelling and the residence just for the employment period, the residents have always cared and adapted for every change by the power plant.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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