


Semantic Evaluation Research on Image of Shop Facade Using SD-Relationship between Form Features and Kansei Image


洪黛芬(Tai-Fen Hung);聶志高(Chih-Kao Nieh)


感性工學 ; 語意差異量表 ; 數量化一類 ; 因素分析 ; 集群分析 ; Kansei Engineering ; Semantic Differential Scale ; Hayashi's Quantitative Theory Type I ; Factor Analysis ; Cluster Analysis




84期(2013 / 06 / 30)


55 - 75






An opportunity was created for architectural designers to think about emotionally attracting citizens through shop façade. It is significant to explore how to quantitatively measure people’s feeling (image) by adopting Kansei Engineering. This purpose was to analyze the relationship between design features and the image evaluation on the shop façade. The latter has complex nature based on differences in architectural professionals' and non-architectural professionals’ appreciation of substantial likeness factors. Semantic Differential Scale (SD) evaluation was applied by questionnaire to examine the cognition of single-building restaurants. Regression equation between design categories and Kansei words was statistically concluded using Hayashi's Quantitative Theory Type I. Three main factors, morphology style, affective value, and fashionable aesthetics, were extracted by factor analysis. Finally discrimination in restaurants extended to 4 groups through cluster analysis by non-architectural professionals, and when which is compared with that of architectural professionals, separated into 5 groups; the differentiation was because of critical discernment of style, shape, pattern, color and aesthetics.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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