


Seven-Tenth on the Master; Three-Tenth on the Carpenters: The Division of Professionals in the Construction of the British Consulates in China (1860s-1870s)


黃信穎(Hsin-Yin Huang)


上海 ; 領事館 ; 設計 ; 營造 ; 建築師 ; 匠師 ; 專業分工 ; British Consulate ; Office of Works ; Carpenter ; Building ; Division of Professionals




85期(2013 / 09 / 30)


113 - 123




本文藉著比對傳統中國典藉與不列顛國家檔案館(The National Archives, U.K.)所藏工部(The Office of Works)檔案來討論在不列顛駐上海總領事館與最高治外法院(The British Extraterritorial Supreme Court and Consulate-General to Shanghai)興建過程中建築師與匠師所扮演的角色與合作關係。當前的中國建築近代史研究中,除了專注於建築師的系譜與設計外,對匠師的研究亦有一定成果。當中則以對上海的營造廠歷史考證較為豐富,其中最為人所知者有承建第三代江海關(1893)的楊斯盛(1851-1908)與其楊瑞泰營造;對於習於傳統價值觀的匠師們如何調適新式營造系統的歷程及在這段歷史中的影響尚需勾勒出較為清晰的畫面。本文期望在1860年代到1870年代間由英國工部與中國匠師所擬定的少數幾份承包契約裡找出些許相關的蛛絲馬跡來為這段歷史提供一筆註腳。《魯班經》(約13-15世紀)、《園冶》(1631)在本論文中所提供的是與英國工部建築師觀點相互辯證的匠師觀點。為此,以《魯班經》之內容引申為傳統匠作體系之訓練系統必須為本文之假設。不列顛駐上海的領事館與治外法權最高法院為研究佐證案例。本文之研究方法為文獻研究,不進行現場調查;討論的內容則聚焦在建築的設計與建造過程而不在建築的空間規畫與設備計畫等設計範疇上。本論文的結構依論述過程分為前言、設計與興建、營造與監造,以及結論共四段。其中第二節交代案例建築物的設計與興建過程,營造與監造一節則討論雙方在這段過程中的立場,其矛盾、轉變與堅持。本文認為傳統工匠則在熟習西式營建體系與建築設計的過程中逐步卸除傳統建築營造過程中的設計角色,轉為僅執斤斧的純施工單位。但在此專業分工轉變的同時,匠師並非如計成或英國工部建築師們所宣稱的固執、保守或狡詐,而是試著以經營數千年的專業營造傳統與西方的建築專業對話合作。


This research focuses on the professional relationship between the British architects of the British Office of Works at Shanghai and Chinese builders in the 1860s and 1870s. The role of the British Office of Works during this period has been a major topic in research on the modern history of Chinese architecture. As a result, the viewpoint of the Shanghai Office of Works dominated the hypotheses and theories suggested in the academia. This paper adds Chinese carpenters' perspectives that are collected from Lu Ban Carpenter's Classic ( possibly 17c ) and Yuan Yeh The Craft of Gardens ( 1631 ) in order to provide a dialectical discussion. The research subject in this paper is the British Extraterriortal Supreme Court and Consulate-General in Shanghai. Archival research along with drawing study and textual analysis are research methods applied to this paper.The contents are respectively Introduction, Designing and building, Contracting and supervising, and Conclusion. In the second section of this paper, the happenings during the designing and constructing processes of the case are explained; and the third section explains the contradictions, changes and influences in and between the architects and the builders during these processes. It is shown that while the contradictions between China's traditional principles of building and Britain's means of controlling building procedure were eased by introducing the division of professionals and contracting system, carpenters' three-tenth participation in the tradition of architectural profession was reduced. However, a process of dialectics can also be found in carpenters' resistance and adjust to the foreign methods of architecture.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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