


The Urban Spatial and Socio-economic Transformations of Tainan City (1920-1941)-An Economy-oriented Modernization


鄭安佑(A. Y. Cheng);徐明福(M. F. Hsu);吳秉聲(P. S. Wu)


臺南 ; 聚落研究 ; 經濟 ; 空間變遷 ; Tainan ; Settlement Study ; Economy ; Spatial Transformation




85期(2013 / 09 / 30)


17 - 37






Emphasizing on the importance of space, settlement study focuses on the socio-cultural meaning of built-environment. This paper methodologically modifies the dynamic analytic method in architectural tradition. To study contemporary cities transformed from traditional Chinese settlement, researchers should lay special emphasis on the socio-economic dimension of spatial transformation and the intermediate mechanism between macro social construction and micro activities of people.There are two socio-economic meaning of the spatial transformation in Tainan City (1920-1941). First, the urban plans and municipal constructions of authority concerned contribute to a new urban spatial axis. The axis connects space with 3 different kind of trading function, local, internal, and external trades. Second, the change of population's economic activities are correspond to the spatial transformations, that is, toward to modern business and industries.There are also two mediate mechanisms between public and private sectors. The city government makes the input-output of public and private sectors economically articulated by establishing financial system. To take advantage of urban plans and economic facilities, the private sector is organized by local leaders. In a word, the inherent coherent logic of this urban spatial-socio transforming process is an economy-oriented modernization.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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