The Campus Planning and Building of Tainan Technical College in Taiwan from 1929 to 1934
蔡侑樺(Yu-Hua Tsai);徐明福(Min-Fu Hsu)
日治時期 ; 學校建築 ; 工業教育 ; Japanese Governed Period ; College Building ; Engineering Education
85期(2013 / 09 / 30)
Founded in 1931, 'Tainan Technical College, Formosa' (TTC) was the only technical college in Taiwan during Japanese period. Based on its historical value, four of the College buildings have been listed by Tainan City Government as historical buildings. For the past decade, studies on the history of TTC were mainly focused on the College's founding background, the faculty members, and the teaching programs. However, not much study is seen on the College's building history and its distinct characteristics.After cross-referencing with the 1934 completed campus plan, February 1930 blueprint, and the plan modifications recorded in the 1931 historical documents, it is found that not much explanation has been made to address the reasons behind the modifications made. Hence, the study begins by first reviewing the historical materials (such as newspaper report, etc.) to obtain a general picture of the TTC campus. Next, identifications of characteristics particular to the TTC campus were made by comparing the TTC campus plan with other technical college plans in Japan.Results shown that TTC was the biggest campus site among all the other technical colleges in Japan, hence the students in TTC enjoyed the largest exercise and recreation space during that period. Also, the TTC Department buildings were found to be built differently when compared with the other Japanese technical colleges. A unique twin courtyard layout was used instead as it was believed that it could provide a better conducive interior environment for students studying in tropical areas of Taiwan.Another observation was the reduction of government budget in 1931 that led to the subsequent modification of the Campus plan. After comparing the February 1930 blueprint and the 1934 completed campus plan, it was found that the Gymnasium was cancelled, and the Administration and Auditorium buildings were reduced in scale. However, the building scales of department buildings, such as laboratories and workshops, etc. were made bigger than the initial 1930 plan. Thus implying the Authority placed more emphasis on engineering and technological sciences during that period.
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