The present study on the criticism of architectural history aims to take Tatsuno style, an architectural style often seen in contemporary Taiwanese architectures, as its subject and discuss the changes of the style, and the political, economic and social context which nurture it. The study then will then try to develop an analysis on the meanings of Tatsuno style in the context of regional ( or local ) culture after Taiwanese starts to make advantage of local materials and develop Taiwanese-based technique. The study is to determine the meaning and position of Tatsuno style in Taiwan, and to enrich the theoretical frames of Taiwanese architectural history.With flourishing commerce, capitalism thrives in Great Britain in the 19th century. The urban architectures become the stage where give demonstration of entrepreneurs' economic powers. The materials used in brick-made buildings are easier to be obtained than stones; while the cost of production, transportation and construction is also lower than of using stones. Such scene is consistent with the Protestant ethic pointed out in the book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism written by the sociologist, Max Weber, which suggests that in the pursuit of economic benefits, individuals how their respect to God. Brick-made buildings thus gain their popularity. Prosperous commerce contributes to the development of architectural style in term of divergence. In the past, brick were produced in demand for construction, and gradually they come to present and form their uniqueness and aesthetic.This style is latter spread in the world. Tatsuno Kingo, the leading figure among Japanese architects during the period of the reign of Mutsuhito, is also influenced by such style. The style, latter introduced to Taiwan, has a great influence on Taiwanese architectures when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. The design of Governor-General Taiwan ( Taiwan Sotokufu ) also adopts the so-called Tatsuno style. The study wants to discuss the transformation of the so-called Tatsuno style which was earlier popularized by commerce, as the style, on the one hand, is deployed by political powers; on the other, is welcomed by the civil as well.
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