


The Establishment and Application of Rural Biotope Mapping Model


林敬妤(Ching-Yu Lin);李素馨(Su-Shin Lee);吳治達(Chih-Da Wu);莊永忠(Yung-Chung Chuang)


生境 ; 生態系統服務 ; 地景規劃 ; Biotope ; Ecosystem Services ; Landscape Planning




86期(2013 / 12 / 01)


169 - 190






Agricultural land provides important ecological services for human society. In recent years, the considerable demands on living space are deteriorating the existence of agricultural land. Previous research indicates that ecological perspective based on zonal planning plays an important role to achieve the goal of rural landscape conservation. Moreover, biotope mapping provides an efficient mean to develop the sustainable relationship between people and land. This study firstly reviewed literatures to clarify the principles of biotope mapping, and then took Saxing Township, Yilan County as a case study to develop the Taiwan rural biotope model. Several methodologies were integrated in this study, including reference review, field survey, aerial photo interpretation, focus group discussion, and Geographical Information System (GIS) spatial analysis. This study is the first study in Taiwan which applied the biotope mapping methodology on rural landscape conservation. Our results should be able to serve as a reference for future landscape planning.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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