


Interpretation by Grammars-The Forms and Functions of Taiwanese Railroad Stations during Japanese Colonial Period


宋玉真(Sharon Yu-Chen Sung);陳怡玲(Yi-Ling Chen)


形狀文法 ; 空間型構 ; 鐵道車站 ; 日治時期 ; Shape Grammar ; Space Syntax ; Railroad Station ; Japanese Colonial Period




86期(2013 / 12 / 01)


33 - 49




形狀文法(Shape Grammar)透過形式的文法規則操作與衍生,成為空間形式分析運算的主要工具;空間型構(Space Syntax)藉著空間單元的機能與路徑系統法則與構成,亦為空間組織與路徑深度解析之重要利器,兩者皆為形態學的相關方法論。本研究接續這幾年來有學者開始嘗試結合形狀文法和空間型構的方法論特性,以圖像操作方式,進行空間平面之形式與機能分析,並且以現存之日治時期鐵道車站為例,透過文法之圖像分析操作,進而解讀其建築空間平面之形式與機能組成,企圖連結兩個形態學中不同的方法論,並且以樹狀分析圖歸納其空間平面組成之相似性與相異性,將研究對象之分析圖整理成一圖像層級發展系統。


Through the operation and generation of grammar rules, Shape Grammar became the main tool by applying analysis and algorithm of spatial forms. By the principles and networks of convex spaces' functions and axial lines, Space Syntax is the vital instrument on configuration of spatial compositions and circulations. Both are methodologies in the field of morphology. This study attempted to continue the methodology used by certain scholars recently by way of a combination of the features of Shape Grammar and Space Syntax. This is operated by graphs and also analyzes the forms and functions of spatial planes using the samples of Taiwanese train stations in the Japanese colonial period. Through the operation and analysis of grammatical graphs, the result interprets the compositions of the forms and functions of architectural planes. This paper attempts to connect the two distinguish methodologies in morphologies and induce the similarity and difference of the spatial planes by pruning a layout tree. The analytical graphs will then be arranged into a hierarchical system of spatial development.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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