


The Basic Issues of Public Life and Public Place Making


曾旭正(Shu-Cheng Tseng)


社區營造 ; 公眾生活 ; 公共空間 ; 類型創新 ; 形態改良 ; Community Building ; Public Life ; Public Place ; Typological Innovation ; Morphological Improvement




87期(2014 / 03 / 01)


159 - 174






Community building in Taiwan society now become a trend, in which the public place making also become more and more important. This article firstly reviews the changing tandency of public place by the domestic and international experience. On the one hand, to highlight the importance of public places in our life, but also pointed out that the decline crisis of public places in the community. Secondly, we distinct public life and public place conceptually, they both form a dialectical relations each other, and further emphasize the social challenges faced by the community public place. Finally, we try to point out two basic tasks by the concept of typology and morphology, the morphological improvement and typological innovation of public places. Neither for innovation or improvement, we should arrange for a unique ”community process” to play the role of mobilization, which involve at least four types of mobilization: mobilization of the environment consciousness, mobilization of spatial imagination, and mobilization to participate construction process, as well as the last of autonomy manager mobilization. This article hopes to remind the professionals and community building workers to improve their visions, making the community building to promote social progress.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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