Recently, CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymers) due to its light weight and good for keeping the architectural scenery has become a strengthening technique commonly adopted for historic masonry buildings. However, behavior studies of CFRP strengthened wall are still limited, especial the evaluation of wall strength after strengthening.This paper is aimed to investigate the structural behavior and damage mode of strengthened masonry wall. The load-displacement relationship that is useful in practice is established. In this study, five masonry wall specimens were manufactured and subjected to in-plane horizontal cyclic loading. The specimens include four URM walls and one post-damaged wall. All the specimens were CFRP strengthened on the diagonal and wall edge. Test results showed the ultimate strength reached as the shear damage of wall occurred. However, at this stage, the CFRP laminate damage is not observed due to it's better allowable strain. It is also found that, after wall cracked, the CFRP laminate provided confined force to the specimen. This effect was helpful to retard the decrease of resistant capacity. In general, the tests indicated that both URM wall and post-damage wall obtain a significant improvement of the in-plane shear capacity, ductility, and energy-absorption after strengthened with CFRP.For the evaluation of load-displacement relationship of CFRP strengthened wall, the shear strain of epoxy and the confined effect provided by carbon fiber is counted. The comparisons show the calculated and test curves have similar variation trend and curve shape. The ultimate load difference between evaluation and experiment is less than 15%.
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