


A Discussion on the Diffusion of the Traditional Stone Slab Houses of Rukai Tribe and Paiwan Tribe in the South Taiwan




許勝發(Sheng-Fa Hsu);徐明福(Min-Fu Hsu)


石板屋 ; 魯凱族 ; 排灣族 ; 多樣性 ; 文化傳播 ; Stone Slab House ; Rukai Tribe ; Paiwan Tribe ; Diversity ; Diffusion of Culture




95期(2016 / 03 / 30)


35 - 58




傳統魯凱族與排灣族的石板屋建築是順應社會文化需求與適應山區生態區位所發展出來的特殊建築形式,具型態封閉性,不容易出現與其他文化融合的過渡樣式,並且離開山區後便消失。這類建築在台灣南部山區的地理分布呈現不連續的北群與南群兩個區域,兩群石板屋建築在空間及構造型態上都極為相似,顯示屬於同一文化集團者所建造。其中北群建造石板屋可能源自觀察板岩、頁岩節理分明的材料特性後就地取材的結果,並經過一定的時間涵化與該族群的階層性家屋社會制度相結合形成一種特有的石板建築文化;而南群建造石板家 屋則可能是延續階層性家屋社會制度的文化挑選結果,採用砂岩材料則是環境限制下的技術挑選結果。而由聚落及建築型態的多樣性、材料的取用、時間延續、地緣關係等面向的比較,可知石板屋建築的起源區較接近北 群區域,並且大致呈現由北往南傳播的方向,北群石板屋持續發展到現今,南群石板屋則欠缺時空縱深供其累積變異,並且大約在17世紀停止發展,其消失可能與山地生業型態的殖民墾拓失敗有關。


The stone slab house is a special form developed for the purpose of adapting to mountain life. It is a closed type, not mixing easily with other styles. Moreover, it does not exist outside of the mountain area. This kind of stone slab house was divided into two discontinuous parts, the north group and the south group, in the southern mountainous area of Taiwan. These two groups are very similar in spatial style and construction, meaning they were built by the same cultural group. On the one hand, the north groups made houses through observation of the characteristics of local materials, slate and shale. Over a certain period of acculturation, the characteristics of slate and shale and the social strata system of houses became a particular culture of stone slab houses. On the other hand, the south groups constructed stone slab houses due to the heritage of the social strata system of houses, and they used sandstone for a material because of environmental limits. By comparing the diversity, the use of materials, geographical relations, and so on, we can see that stone slab houses probably diffused from north to south. The stone slab houses of the north group have continued to develop till now, but those of the south groups stopped developing around the 17^(th) century. The reason for the halt of colonization might have something to do with the failure of the mountain cultivated type.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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