


A Preliminary Research on Public Space Design Principles for an Age-Friendly Environment




趙子元(Tzu-Yuan Chao);黃彙雯(Hui-Wen Huang)


高齡友善城市 ; 無障礙 ; 公共空間 ; 規劃指引 ; Age-Friendly Cities ; Barrier Free ; Public Space ; Planning Principles




95期_S(2016 / 03 / 30)


49 - 70






The ageing trend could produce a need for designs for barrier-free purpose-built facilities, open spaces and public buildings. Hence, it is worth further investigating whether the present general environment is friendly to most elderly people. Accordingly, based on a review of the literature on the older population's characteristics, behavior patterns and living requirements, this research further explores the possibility of delivering age-friendly open spaces in Taiwan. The preliminary result of the work is expected to establish a design guidance system with indicators. The design guidance system could provide a tool to assess the level of age-friendliness of the physical environment of open spaces and identify the urgency of improvement, to further assist in providing age-friendly cities in Taiwan.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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