


Proximate Cause of Fear in Campus: Degrees of Fear and Visual Attention




施景堯(Jing-Yao Shi);周紓帆(Su-Fan Chou);鄭佳昆(Chia-Kuen Cheng)


恐懼 ; 瞳位追蹤 ; 空間設計 ; Eye-tracking ; Fear ; Spatial Design




96期(2016 / 06 / 30)


37 - 51




恐懼一直是在公共空間中最大的使用限制因子,它可能導致環境體驗、偏好、使用者情緒甚至是生理上的負面影響。為偵測恐懼在校園空間中的具體因素,Nasar 曾使用「散步」實驗作為研究方法,而本研究試圖採取相同的實驗方式,加入運用行動式瞳位追蹤儀(眼動儀)進行實驗以檢視前人的研究結果,並且辨明恐懼因素與視覺注意力的關係。本研究選定散步的路線後對8名受試者進行瞳位追蹤儀的散步實驗並進行簡單的訪談,試圖辨別出恐懼因素、恐懼感與注意力的關係。研究結果顯示恐懼感較低者較有四處觀看的餘裕的結果,符合恐懼感造成迴避行為的特性;也從散步後訪談的各路段恐懼因素上再度得到了與Nasar& Jones(1997)一致的實驗結果,顯示出間接隱匿與退路受阻在夜間校園空間中具有恐懼的效果,並且進一步指出社會監控與熟悉度兩個降低恐懼的因子。本研究建議未來研究於動態空間中操作瞳位追蹤儀應採取短操作時間、多受試者並選擇單一受試環境的策略,以增加實驗操作上的便利性。在實務上,本研究的訪談部分指出了社會監控的重要性,顯示未來規畫設計應更加重視空間上取得社會性輔助的便利性。


Fear has long been the most important usage limitation in public spaces. It might cause avoidance in certain area therefore resulting in low using rate damage recreation experiences resulting in low preference sometimes even affect user's health. Nasar once applied "walk" as a method of research to record fear factor in time. This study goes the same way but using an eye-tracker in place of the recorder. The purpose is to examine existing results and to study the relationship between fear factors and visual attention. Mobile eye-tracker was used to record the type period and times focus points stopped. The 8 participants were interviewed after the walk to record the degrees of fear and actual fear factor for every section on the way. The researcher looked into these two results together to examine the relationship between fear factor and visual attention. Result shows that the less fearful routes allowed respondents to look around, conforming to the basic theory of fear causing avoidance. Also did we get the same result as Nasar & Jones's experiment on the short interview showing secondary refuge and blocked escape would result in fear in campus at night also showing two more factors: social surveillance and familiarity might reduce fear. This study suggested that eye-tracking study in dynamic space should use short-operation, large sample size and simple setting to improve operating efficiency. As for practical operation, this paper suggested that future design should pay more attention on the space's access to possible social aid.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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