
比較中國風水與印度 Vastu-Shastra 兩傳統中與平面格局方正相關的建築守則


Comparing the Architectural Prescriptions Concerning the Square/Rectangular-Shaped Ground Plans in Chinese Feng-Shui and Indian Vastu-Shastra Traditions




黃恩宇(En-Yu Huang)


風水 ; Vastu-Shastra ; 比較研究 ; 平面格局 ; 建築守則 ; Feng-Shui ; Vāstu-Shāstra ; Comparative Studies ; Ground plan ; Architectural Prescriptions




97期(2016 / 09 / 30)


35 - 54




中國風水與印度Vastu-Shastra 為世界上兩套相仿的建築術傳統或環境知識體系,它們皆有大量的古代文獻,且持續影響當代的建築實踐。此二傳統的各種觀念與理論,通常具體呈現於所謂的建築守則,以作為人們在設計與建造各種類型空間時的重要依據。值得注意的是,這些風水與Vastu-Shastra 守則往往呼應了某些共同主題,如基地選址、建築朝向、空間層級等等。本文所探討的乃是「與平面格局方正相關」的建築守則,這類守則強調各類型空間,包括城市、宮殿、廟宇與家屋,皆應擁有方正的平面格局。本文在「建築作為真實之再現」的範式下,以比較建築學的研究方法,比較分析兩傳統中此類建築守則的重要意義。


Chinese Feng-Shui and Indian Vastu-Shastra can be seen as two comparable traditions of architecture or systems of environmental knowledge, both providing a great number of classical texts and ceaselessly exerting influence on the architectural practice of today. The various ideas and theories of each tradition usually find expression in the so-called architectural prescriptions for people to follow when they are dealing with the design and construction of various man-made surroundings. It is noteworthy that several common themes can be identified in the diverse prescriptions of the two traditions, such as the location of sites, the orientation of buildings, the hierarchy of space, etc. This paper focuses on the prescriptions concerning the square/rectangular-shaped ground plans for the built environments including cities, palaces, temples and houses. By using the methods for architectural comparison developed on the basis of the paradigm of 'architecture as a representation of realities', this paper provides a comparative analysis of the significant meanings of these architectural prescriptions of the two traditions.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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