


The Research of Harmful Electromagnetic Fields 3D Display Mode for Indoor Mobile Augmented Reality Systems




郭其綱(Chyi-Gang Kuo);楊亦東(I-Tung Yang);張家怡(Chia-Yi Chang)


電磁場 ; 3D顯像 ; 擴增實境 ; 室內定位 ; 透明反射點雲晶體 ; Electromagnetic Field ; Indoor Augmented Reality ; 3D Display Mode ; Transparent Reflective Point-cloud Crystal ; 3D Crystal Cloud




96期_S(2016 / 09 / 30)


89 - 107




本研究嘗試透過移動式室內定位擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)介面3D顯現環境有害電磁場資訊。然而採用當今各種能量與流體數位模擬方式,於AR介面中3D 模擬電磁場時將會遭遇:(1)物體表面以外空間中之電磁分佈不易以3D量體一次性表達、(2)電磁波強度衰減漸變不易以3D呈現、(3)多電磁波源於重疊場域之電磁強度疊加現象不易以3D模擬、(4)2D常用之七彩漸變不適合應用於3D量體、(5)不透明3D量體遮蔽後方實景(6)半透明3D量體彼此容易混色、(7)並排顯示近弱遠強之不同電磁波源時不易分辨距離等困境。有鑑於此,本研究提出「透明反射點雲晶體」模式,以可見光源模擬電磁波源,照射具備透明與反射特性之八面體晶體 (Octahedral Crystal) 所建構之3D量體雲,可克服上述各種困境。此外,本研究並實測校園中高風險之電磁環境,以頭部圖標定位擴增實境系統HMTAR呈現「高低頻電磁波源」、「最高輻射值量測點」、「最高輻射 值量測點電磁波來源方位」、「有害電磁波源3D影響範圍」、「建議最佳穿越路徑」等5種電磁資訊,以協助使用者 透過現地3D影像瞭解其所處之電磁環境。


This research attempts to establish 3D display mode of environmental harmful electromagnetic field for indoor mobile augmented reality (AR) systems. However, the use of today's various energy and fluid digital simulation mode for showing 3D electromagnetic field in AR systems will encounter insome problems such as: (1) in the space between objects, the distribution of electromagnetic wave is not easy to display through a single 3D model, (2) the attenuation gradient of the electromagnetic wave is not easy to display in 3D rendering, (3) the phenomenon of superposition from multiple electromagnetic wave overlapping is not easy to simulate in 3D mode, (4) the colorful gradient display method commonly used in 2D is not suitable for 3D volume, (5) the opaque front 3D objects shield rear objects, (6) the colors of front semi-transparent 3D objects blend with the colors of rears, (7) the distance between front weak electromagnetic 3D models and the rear stronger ones is not easy to distinguish. Therefore, this research presents a "Transparent Reflective Point-cloud Crystal" model by using visible light source to irradiate transparent reflective octahedral crystals in simulation of electromagnetic wave, can overcome the above-mentioned problems. In addition, the value of electromagnetic waves in campus are measured for augmented reality system to present "high and low frequency electromagnetic wave source", "the highest radiation value points", "the source orientation of strongest electromagnetic radiation measured", "3D influence area of harmful electromagnetic source", "the safer path way suggested" in order to help users aware of the electromagnetic field in the living environment.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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