This study aims to develop evaluation methods of landslide impact and debris flow in hillside residential communities. The hazard impact is composed of risk assessment results at both the village and community-scale. quantitative risk assessment requires calculations of two components: the magnitude of the potential loss (i.e. vulnerability, V), and the probability that the loss will occur (i.e. hazard or failure probability, H). The vulnerability at the village-scale was estimated by the model of slopeland household loss (NCDR, 2011), and the consequence score at the community-scale was evaluated by using a grade table of consequence factor (ABRI, 2009). The failure probability (H) was calculated by the "Integrated Model of Landslide and Debris Flow (ILDF)" model. Finally, the hazard impact of hillside communities under different extreme rainfall scenarios was developed and constituted of village-scale and community-scale risk. The results could serve as a reference of central and local governments for field investigation, monitoring and adaptation planning, and disaster losses reduction.
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