


Research on the Strategy of Promoting the Senior Examination of Professional Interior Design Engineers




呂文堯(Wen-Yao Lu);王維歆(Wei-Xin Wang);郭倩彣(Chien-Wen Kuo);吳霽哲(Ji-Jhe Wu);李淑媚(Shu-Mei Lee)


室內設計技師 ; 層級分析法 ; 偏好順序評價法 ; 模糊偏好順序評價法 ; 模糊德菲法 ; Professional Interior Design Engineers ; AHP ; TOPSIS ; Fuzzy TOPSIS ; Fuzzy Delphi Method




100期(2017 / 06 / 30)


77 - 94




本研究針對推動室內設計技師高考,尋求目前應積極努力改進之事項並尋求策略之優先順序。19項與推動室內設計技師高考相關之SWOT因素中,有17項SWOT因素藉由模糊德菲法,取得專家之共識。本研究針對層級分析法(AHP)所得權重較高及專家評分較低之國內專業定位不明確、室內設計與裝修人員素質參差不齊、建築師既有室內設計業務之排擠效應、室內裝修管理辦法之法律位階太低及缺乏整體規劃與完善之制度等五項SWOT因素,列為推動室內設計技師高考須優先改進之項目。針對推動室內設計技師高考之7個策略,採用偏好順序評價法(TOPSIS)及模糊偏好順序評價法(Fuzzy TOPSIS)進行擇優排名。推動室內設計技師高考中排名第1之策略為,訂立合適之法律,明訂室設、建築、土木之專業分工事項,降低三者之排擠效應;排名第2之策略為提升室內裝修管理辦法之法律位階,保障業主與業者之權益。


This research aims to look for items that should be significantly improved and determine the strategies priority of promoting the senior examination of professional interior design engineers. Among 19 SWOT factors associated with the promoting the senior examination of professional interior design engineers, there are 17 SWOT factors reaching consensus by fuzzy Delphi method. The weightings and scores of SWOT factors will be investigated through expert questionnaires and analyzed by the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The improvement should be focused on 5 SWOT factors with higher weightings and lower scores as follows: Unclear domestic professional orientation, Uneven quality of decorators and interior designers, Exclusion effect of existing interior design business of architect, Low legal hierarchy of Regulations of Interior Decoration, and Lack of overall planning and complete system. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Fuzzy TOPSIS are used to preference ranking of 7 strategies of promoting the senior examination of professional interior design engineers. The first strategy is to build up an appropriate law to distinguish division of professional work of interior design, architecture, and civil engineering in order to lower exclusion effect; the second strategy is to raise legal hierarchy of Regulations of Interior Decoration in order to protect the rights of proprietors and practitioners.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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