


The Research on Evolution and Supply of Architectural Planning of Large Interior Space Apartment Buildings in Kaohsiung City




朱政德(Cheng-Te Chu);龔哲永(Che-Yung Kong)


高雄市 ; 大坪數 ; 積層式集合住宅 ; 建築計畫 ; 供給特性 ; Kaohsiung City ; Large Interior Space ; Apartment Buildings ; Architectural Planning ; Supply Characteristic




101期(2017 / 09 / 30)


1 - 25




高雄市民間大坪數積層式集合住宅之區域發展,自1980年代初期開始從中心部發展,隨著年代的推移,逐漸向北邊發展再延伸至高雄市各行政區,2000年代後期~2010年代前期鼓山區皆為主要供給區域。本研究以高雄市建管處所列管之使照資料,並透過竣工圖面之分析與測繪,以「時間軸」、「基地面積」與「室內面積」等研究視點,從供給實態探討高雄市民間大坪數積層式集合住宅之建築計畫的發展脈絡與供給特性。研究發現,每戶面積達【78.4坪】時可做為高雄市民間「大坪數」積層式集合住宅與一般積層式集合住宅之邊界值;此外,高雄市大坪數積層式集合住宅之基地面積以【2,000 m^2未滿】做為供給主流,呈現【小規模】、【高容積】、【低建蔽率】、【低棟數】、【低戶數】以及【高層化】的供給特性。2000年代後期~2010年代前期鼓山區之第44期重劃區與農16區段徵收區為主要供給區域,同時2003年以後高雄市民間大坪數積層式集合住宅在此區域具有顯著的群聚性。


The development of large interior space apartment buildings in Kaohsiung City began from central area since the early 1980s to northern area and expanded to each district over the years. During the late 2000s and the early 2010s, Gu-Shan district was the main area to supply the apartment buildings in the market. Our viewpoints are focused on "time frame", "site area", and "interior area" upon housing supply so as to explore the evolution and supply of architectural planning of large interior space apartment buildings in Kaohsiung City, according to the analysis and measurement of approved working drawings provided by Building Affairs Office of Kaohsiung City Government. The research found out that over 264.4 m^2 is the bench mark as the size of "large interior space". In addition, the site size for the apartment buildings is mainly less 2000m^2 in Kaohsiung City, and it shows the characteristics of "small site size", "high plot ratio", "low coverage ratio", "few buildings", "few households" and "high-rise apartments". During the late 2000s and the early 2010s, the 44^(th) Reconsolidated Area of Gu-Shan district were the main supplying area, and after year 2003, the large interior space apartment buildings of the area became a significantly clustering group.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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