


A Study on the Assessment of Chemical Disaster Rescue Teams Based on AHP and TOPSIS in Tainan City Government Fire Bureau




邱淵明(Yuan-Ming Chiu);劉春初(Chun-Chu Liu);何三平(San-Ping Ho)


化災處理隊據點評估 ; AHP ; TOPSIS ; The Assessment of Chemical Disaster Rescue Teams ; AHP ; TOPSIS




103期(2018 / 03 / 30)


87 - 100




台灣地區的災害預防及火災搶救均由消防單位處理,然而面對化學工廠火災,一般消防分隊既無適當裝備防護也無搶救技能。目前國內消防單位據點設置評估無相關化災處理隊設置與分析,一般消防據點設置常以火災次數分析等統計方式呈現災情狀況,並以災害之傷亡、損失及原因等作為主軸,無法確實的呈現化學火災高潛勢區域,故在策略上僅能以全區動員方式進行災害搶救,對於人力及資源造成龐大的浪費且不一定有其效果。消防據點的選擇除了對於火災搶救的時效性及服務範圍有直接的關聯,而本研究以臺南市近5年間(2013年至2017年)發生的化學火災案件為基礎,搭配救災能量分配,並透過問卷調查及專家學者產生重要的評估因子,以層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,簡稱AHP)給予適當之權重;在探討臺南市的火災潛勢地區及消防據點效益時,再以理想解類似度偏好順序評估法(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution,簡稱TOPSIS)運算結合主觀急迫性驗證並配合消防據點之服務範圍,得到最佳化災處理隊據點設置順序,作為未來化學火災預防策略及化災處理隊據點位置選定之參考。此外,對臺南市化學火災狀況進行統計分析,將會是未來火災研究的重要發展方向之一。


In Taiwan, disaster prevention and fire rescue are handled by fire units. However, facing chemical factory fires, general fire branches have neither adequate protective equipment nor rescue skills. So far, the setting assessment of general fire branches is often based on statistical methods of the fire number, and focus on the casualties, losses and causes of disasters. But it can not indicate truly high-potential regional chemical fire areas, so that fire units have to mobilize all members in strategy which causes huge waste of manpower and resources and may not be effective. The selection of fire branches has a relationship with the time-effectiveness of fire rescue and the service scope. This study is based on the chemical fire cases that occurred in Tainan City in the recent 5 years (from 2013 to 2017), matched with the distribution of disaster rescue capacity, and via the survey and the experts (scholars) to produce important evaluation factors which add appropriate weight to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). By discussing the fire potential areas and the efficiency of fire branches, the Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is combined with the subjective urgency verification and the service scope of fire branches to get the best setting order of chemical disaster rescue teams, as a reference of fire prevention strategy and the fire branches selection in the future.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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