


The Reduction of Floor Impact Sound on Wooden Floor with Coverings




馮俊豪(Chun-Hao Feng);蔡耀賢(Yaw-Shyan Tsay);林芳銘(Fang-Ming Lin);蔡玥涵(Yueh-Han Tsai)


木構樓板 ; 實驗室量測方法 ; 衝擊音降低量 ; The Wooden Floor ; The Measurement Method of Laboratory ; Reduction of Impact Sound




105期(2018 / 09 / 30)


1 - 14




近年來臺灣在推動永續經營之綠建築發展,木質材料為符合永續環保之綠建材,國內既有樓板衝擊音之相關研究,多以探討提升混凝土等重質樓板衝擊音隔音性能為主,木構樓板衝擊音之研究較為缺乏。因此,為因應國內永續政策推動之趨勢,本研究參照CNS 15160-11(2009)「輕質參考基準樓板表面材之衝擊音降低量實驗室量測方法」相關規定,於國立屏東科技大學聲學性能實驗室探討木構樓板相關量測及評定方法,驗證量測標準及木構樓板之適用性,並透過木構樓板表面材衝擊音降低量實驗,探討不同表面材組構條件下輕重量衝擊源樓板衝擊音之改善。結果顯示,本研究建置之木構樓板,其衝擊音L_(n,t,w)與CNS標準規定數值具有相關性,故驗證本研究木構樓板之適用性。量測時,為減少各衝擊聲壓位準之差異,衝擊源敲擊位置須考慮桁位置,並採6點衝擊源位置進行量測,以獲得有效之數值。此外,為提高整體木構樓板之衝擊音隔音性能,可藉由平鋪地板之表面材或架高地板含緩衝材之設置以獲得隔音性能提升效果。


The majority of domestic researches about floor impact sound is focus on the insulation performance of heavy weight floor. However, the concept of green and sustainable building is spread to all over the world, including Taiwan, and wooden materials are sorted into the type of green materials. Thus, this research took the eco trend to install wooden floor, verifying the relative standards of measurement for wooden floor according to the CNS 15160-11(2009). Moreover, the research probed the improvements of heavy-weight/light-weight impact sound in different wooden surface materials to test the capability of wooden floor. The result shows the L_(n,t,w) of wooden floor accords the range of the norm, which can assure the suitability of wooden floor. In order to lower the margins between the impact sound pressures, the positions of impact sound source should be placed on six different spots that complied with the standard, and the location of ridgepoles should be taken into account as well. Besides, the performance of impact sound insulation can be enhanced by installing resilient materials on floor surface or mounting damping materials on beams of raised floor.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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