Human concern about 'architectural orientation' is a significant worldwide phenomenon. A great many principles of architectural orientation can be easily found in many cultural and religious traditions. These principles instruct people, during the construction of buildings, to orient their front side or main entrance to a (or several) particular direction(s). As shown in many examples, it seems likely that the principles of architectural orientation can be categorized into two groups at least. The first group is related to the 'directional system based on the four cardinal points', while the second group is concerned with the 'particular object(s) in the physical environment'. The former usually stipulates thata built space should be orientated towards the east, west, south or north, while the latter normally prescribes that a built space should be pointed to a mountain or hill, the center of a settlement, or a holy city/mountain located far from the site. In China and India, due to the profound influence of Feng-Shui and Vāstu-Shāstra, two age-old traditions of architectural theories, most of the traditional principles of architectural orientation have developed into diverse and complicated forms, which cannot easily be categorized as either of the above-mentioned two groups. Nevertheless, we still can discern quite a few old principles which have simpler and more fundamental forms and aregenerally in accordance with the characteristics of the two groups. This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of theses Chinese and Indian traditional principles of architectural orientation in the frame of the 'Axis Mundi & Cosmic Cross', so as to explore the original and universal meaning of the human ideas about architectural orientation.
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