It is a pressing and urgent issue of establishing friendly residential surroundings. Those who disabled are encouraged to involve social affairs, such as the accessibility of public environment and the trend of aging society. Implementing residentially universal design and design of accessibility is the first and crucial step for establishing friendly residential surroundings. However, it is completely different aspects with regard to universal design and disabled accessibility design. Recent years, these are also challenging and endless arguments to fulfill various user requirements without considering diversities in the same design methods. Should the trends of residential design need to be universalized for all users or specified for some specific users? Should the government legalize or just make guide books of interior design standards, facilities setup for disabled group? Therefore, this research focus on post-evaluation of Hsing-Lung public rented housing in Taipei City, which is implemented both "universal design" and "design of disabled accessibility". By comparing design guidelines between universal design and disabled accessibility, we further understood the differences between the practical use of facilities and surroundings and residential design guidelines. In Hsing-Lung public rented housing case, our research found that the needs of disabled people (weakness of the lower limbs) were satisfied in units of design of disabled accessibility, but not for general people. It is also not spacious because of some specific facilities setup. On the other side, units of universal design could satisfy most general people, though, they may constrain the disabled users. Kitchens and bathrooms are evaluated extremely diverse by opposing users due to their weakness parts and the customs are different. In conclusion, defining the essential needs from various users and maintaining spatial mobility are the crucial issues to our friendly residential surroundings.
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