Study on the Applicability of Emitted Characteristics from Building Materials by Different Micro Chamber Method
林霧霆(Wu-Ting Lin);張頤安(Yi-An Chang);蔡耀賢(Yaw-Shyan Tsay);李俊璋(Ching-Chang Lee)
玻璃微艙法 ; 小型環控艙法 ; PVC地磚 ; 塗料 ; TVOC逸散率 ; Micro-Glass Chamber Method ; Small Scale Chamber Method ; PVC Tiles ; Paints ; Emission Rate of TVOC
108_S期:技術專刊(2019 / 06 / 30)
近年研究已證實室內裝修建材逸散揮發性有機化合物對人體健康造成危害,在國內建材逸散揮發性有機化合物研究及測試,多數利用小型環控艙法,然而此檢測方法可能因艙體内環境及採樣線路吸附造成分析結果低估。因此,透過不同檢測方式進行化合物逸散捕集評估以探討檢測方法適宜性。本研究根據逸散理論利用建材中揮發性有機化合物實驗量測方式,探討ISO 16000-25之玻璃微艙檢測法與ASTM D5116之小型環控艙測試法之間差異性。以市售塗料和PVC地磚作為探討對象,分析兩者試驗法之差異性及適用性,俾提供研究者作為未來相關研究應用參考。研究結果顯示玻璃微艙法在脫附試驗分析壁體吸附,約占TVOC總逸散7%,塗料的特性種類、逸散塗佈面積、表面乾燥狀態、添加劑等影響逸散性能表現。而塑膠地磚逸散特性發現隨溫度和材料厚度增加而逸散率提升趨勢。此外,兩種不同艙體法比較分析,玻璃微艙因高負荷率和換氣率之特性可測得微量物質,特別是水性塗料;應用於快速篩檢建材逸散有機化合物顯示玻璃微艙法性能較佳,若應用模擬室內建材逸散評估,則以小型環控艙較適用。
In the recent years, there are a lot of hazardous contaminated compounds emitted from the indoor building materials. Therefore, we usually sample the concentration of volatile organic compounds by the small-scale environmental chamber in our country in order to manage these building materials emission station. However, consider the property and adsorption of the VOC as well as the air tightness of the chamber, it is necessary to estimate the pros and cons of the sampling method. Therefore, this study uses the ISO 16000-25 and the ASTM D5116 as the test methods, trying to compare the difference of them by sampling the paints and the PVC tiles from the market. The result shows that the concentration and the emission rates calculated by micro-glass method are easy to be influenced by both the paints property and the emission area of the paint, which will decide whether the surface is wet or not. Causing the changing of emission rates. Furthermore, although the remains of VOCs compared to the 48 hours sampling are small, the heating phase of micro-glass method indeed can increase the trap concentration. And due to its high load factor and ventilation, it can both gather more compounds and the air concentration, proper to precise controls. For the small-scale environmental chamber method, it is appropriate to present the situation in indoor environments and easy to control the process. The properties of building materials make the emission condition different. Moreover, by raising the testing temperature or the thickness, the trapped quantity of the VOC from building materials are increasing.
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