


Lin Phyllis Whei-Yin's "Paper Architecture"-- Reconstructing Republican Beijing's Hutong and Courtyard Life in the 1930s through the Fiction of 'Fahrenheit 99 Degrees'




黃資婷(Tzu-Ting Huang);傅朝卿(Chao-Ching Fu)


林徽因 ; 〈九十九度中〉 ; 空間句法 ; 建築意 ; 民國北京 ; Lin Phyllis Whei-Yin ; 'Fahrenheit 99 Degrees' ; Space Syntax ; Architecturesque ; Republican Beijing




108期(2019 / 06 / 30)


81 - 102




筆者嘗試打破在單一學科領域中被建構與授權的歷史書寫,重新省視跨越雙重領域的創作者與空間之關係,如何透過文學/建築文本牉合城市意象。林徽因(1904-1955)便是很好的考察對象,她游走於文學與建築兩個領域,在田野調查的現場,她是最直接的參與者;在文學創作中,她又能拉出視距,保持遠觀者的位置。本研究以林徽因的〈九十九度中〉(1934)為主,其他小說及散文為輔,對歷史學者董玥總結民國時期北京新知識分子的寫作,忽略了社會層面考量此一觀點進行對話與辯駁,研究方法則嘗試借用Bill Hillier提出的空間句法(space syntax)結合小說敘事結構分析。〈九十九度中〉透過複雜的敘事手法,將所謂的「大眾」與「新知識分子」連結,小說篇名九十九度指涉溫度之外,又多了「中」字之意,自此衍伸出三種意涵:北京城內實體地理空間的中軸線,夾層中生活的人們,位處新舊文化中間地帶的民國北京胡同與合院生活。空間與人的互動醱酵出情感,無論是男子們得以放空的胡同及市場空間,還是女子們蹉跎或幸福一生的合院空間,當場景內化成「內在屬性」,空間與情感無法切割,便是「建築意」別於「詩意」、「畫意」之處。也因〈九十九度中〉所透出的「建築意」,讓故事精巧、繁常生輝。林於小說創作具體將「建築意」美學實踐為「中」,北京芸芸眾生的中間生活被凝結在林徽因的「紙上建築」,紀錄了一般建築或都市計畫圖未竟的截面。


In this paper, I attempt to break with the tradition of historical writing that is usually constructed and authorized around a single subject; up to now, there has been very little research on how previous writers integrated literary and architectural texts to present images of the city. Only a few interdisciplinary creators thought about the relationship between spatial awareness and their art practices. Lin Phyllis Whei-Yin (1904-1955) is an important representative of this wider way of seeing. She grasped the main philosophical ideas that could unite two fields: literature and architecture. During her fieldwork, she walked in the forefront of architects; in literary creation, she was able to maintain an objective viewing distance from her subject and maintain the position of an observer. The present research focuses on Lin's novela 'Fahrenheit 99 Degrees' (1934), with other texts play supporting roles. The critical framework used is that of space syntax--as proposed by Bill Hillier--and narratology. 'Fahrenheit 99 Degrees' uses complicated narrative techniques to combine the daily lives of "the masses" and "new intellectuals." It is hoped that the research described here can serve as the basis for a sprogram of interdisciplinary research. The purpose of this research is to deepen our understanding Lin's fiction, the "Architecturesque" as practiced in the concept of "in-between", and the everyday life of Beijing's residents as condensed into Lin's fictions in a kind of "paper architecture" which records the unfinished lifestyle of architecture or urban planning.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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