


Reconstruction of the Ground Plan of Zeelandia City in Taiwan in the Mid-1640s




黃恩宇(En-Yu Huang)


熱蘭遮市鎮 ; 荷蘭東印度公司 ; 地產登錄 ; 地籍圖 ; 城鎮規劃 ; Zeelandia City ; Dutch East India Company (VOC) ; Estate Registration ; Cadastral Map ; Town planning




110期(2019 / 12 / 30)


25 - 48




位於今日安平地區的17世紀熱蘭遮市鎮,就台灣歷史與荷蘭東印度公司歷史而言,都是重要的研究主題。然而,由於史料資訊有限,欲對其空間結構與元素進行完整研究,並非容易之事。近年由荷蘭歷史學者廉斯卓(Menno Leenstra)發現的「1643年熱蘭遮市鎮地產登錄簿」手稿,帶來深入探討該市鎮的可能性。這份地產登錄簿呈現了1640年代中期的地籍資訊,共包括395個地塊;其中超過75%的地塊具有長寬尺寸、所有權人名字、以及座落之街道等資訊。本文呈現依據此地產登錄簿所進行的1640年代中期熱蘭遮市鎮空間平面重建過程,並以此重建平面為基礎,討論市鎮土地所有權人的分佈狀況。首先,本研究檢視這份地產登錄簿,從中獲取關於市鎮街道、街廓與建築地塊的有效資訊。其次,本研究分析1635年市鎮規劃圖與1648年市鎮鳥瞰圖這兩幅歷史圖像,推測1640年代中期市鎮街道與街廓的大致尺寸與空間關係。第三,檢視1927年的安平地籍圖,以判讀17世紀熱蘭遮市鎮空間紋理是否遺留至今。第四,在安平現地確認兩處熱蘭遮市鎮的具體痕跡,其可作為判斷荷治時期街道與街廓位置之依據。最後,綜合前面所獲資訊,將可繪製出1640年代中期熱蘭遮市鎮的空間平面重建圖。上述過程中,本研究也須不斷參考並對照涉及熱蘭遮市鎮的重要史料。在此熱蘭遮市鎮重建平面圖中,1640年代中期街道、街廓、建築地塊與海岸線的形式、位置與尺寸,以及熱蘭遮城堡的平面,均予以清楚呈現。更者,本研究將當時市鎮土地所有權人的分佈狀態呈現於重建平面圖上,以做進一步的分析與討論。本研究成果將可做為熱蘭遮市鎮或安平地區空間發展與變遷相關後續研究的基礎,亦可用於荷蘭海外殖民城市規劃理念的比較研究。這份成果中的資訊,亦可作為安平地區未來考古研究之參考。


The 17^(th)-century Zeelandia City located in today's Anping area is an important research topic considering its role in the history of Taiwan and the Dutch East India Company. However, due to the limited information provided by historical sources, it remains difficult to carry out an extensive research on the spatial structure and elements of this city. Thanks to the discovery of the manuscript document of "1643 Estate Registers of Zeelandia" by the Dutch historian Menno Leenstra a few years ago, it now becomes possible to undertake an in-depth research on this city. This document brings to light the cadastral information in the mid-1640s, consisting of 395 building lots in total. More than 75% of these plots are recorded with the information of their dimensions of length and width, the names of their owners, and the streets where they are located. The paper presents the research process of the reconstruction of the ground plan of Zeelandia City in the mid-1640s according to this document and also the discussion of the distribution of land ownership in this city based on the reconstructed ground plan. First of all, "1643 Estate Registers of Zeelandia" is examined so as to acquire the useful information about the streets, blocks and building plots. Second, two historical drawings-the "1635 Town Plan of Zeelandia City" and the "1648 Bird's Eye View of Zeelandia" are analyzed in order to get the approximate measurements of the streets and blocks in the mid-1640s and clarify their spatial relationship. Third, the 1927 cadastral map of Anping is scrutinized to find out whether the urban texture of the 17^(th) century is still observable in the present day. Fourth, two physical traces of Zeelandia City are confirmed in today's Anping area, and they are used as the crucial reference for locating the 17^(th)-century streets and blocks. Lastly, according to theabove-mentioned information, the ground plan of Zeelandia City in the mid-1640s can be properly constructed. During the process of the reconstruction, some important historical documents of the Dutch East India Company are also taken into consideration. In the reconstructed ground plan, the forms, locations and measurements of the streets, blocks, building plots and coastline of Zeelandia City in the mid-1640s as well as the plan of Fort Zeelandia are all clearly presented. Moreover, the distribution of land ownership is mapped and visualized on this ground plan for further analysis and discussion. The outcome of this research can also be used as the basis for more research topics related to the spatial development and transition of Zeelandia City or Anping area and for the comparison of the ideas of town planning in Dutch overseas colonies. Last but not the least, this research can provide helpful information for the future archeological survey in Anping area.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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