


Embodied Carbon Data System for Landscape Hard Works




林憲德(Hsien-Te Lin);林怡君(Yi-Jiung Lin);黃振祥(Zhen-Xiang Huang)


景觀硬體工程 ; 生命週期評估 ; 蘊含碳排 ; ABRI-LCC ; 施工碳排 ; Landscape Hard Work ; Life Cycle Assessment ; Embodied Carbon ; ABRI-LCC ; Construction Carbon




110期(2019 / 12 / 30)


85 - 98




在面對日益加劇的地球暖化聲中,近年來碳足跡生命週期評估LCA已在建築營建產業界迅速展開,但是作為該產業一員的景觀工程界卻因為缺乏適用的景觀碳足跡資料庫而遲未開展。本研究為了解決此障礙,依據EN15978標準所規定的搖籃到竣工(cradle to handover)之範疇,並承襲內政部建築研究所碳足跡資料庫ABRI-LCC之基礎,建置了本土化的景觀產業專用的碳足跡資料系統L-LCC。目前執行景觀碳足跡LCA有一巨大的瓶頸,在於景觀工程的施工碳排很難盤查分析,但卻是被EN15978要求為必須計算項目的兩難課題。L-LCC乃為了打通此瓶頸,採用一個標準化的景觀構件系統以及一個標準化的機具施工程序方法之碳排解析理論,將施工機具碳排內含於既有的景觀構件碳排資料系統中,以免除艱距的施工機具盤查計算。L-LCC並非只是原材料層級的碳排數據,而是以道路、鋪面、水池、護坡、擋土牆等更高階層級的景觀硬體構件之碳排資料庫。如此構件導向的碳排資料庫可讓使用者免除複雜之原材料累加計算,而直接引用簡化的構件碳排數據及可得出相同分析結果,如此便能更有效地診斷出碳排熱點並落實景觀工程之減碳設計。


In the face escalating global warming crisis, the life cycle assessment LCA of carbon footprint in the building & construction industry has been developed rapidly recently, but it is delaying behind the trend in the field of landscape field, as a part of this industry, because the lack of landscape carbon footprint database. In order to overcome this obstacle, this research has established a localized carbon footprint data system L-LCC for the landscape industry based on the ABRI-LCC and according to the cradle to handover boundary defined by EN15978. There is a great bottleneck existing in the landscape carbon LCA which is the dilemma between the sophisticate in the inventory calculation of landscape construction carbon of construction machine and the necessary calculation requested by EN15978. To resolve this bottleneck, a carbon analysis methodology, adopting a standardized landscape component system and a standardized construction process method, is introduced to include the construction carbon into the existing component carbon data system so as to omit the complicated inventory calculation of construction machine carbon. L-LCC is not a raw material level database, but is a higher level database of landscape hard work components, such as road, pavement, pond, retaining wall etc. Such a component based carbon database can let the user to escape the sophisticated accumulation by raw material data and directly use the simplified component carbon data to obtain the same analysis result so as to diagnose the carbon hotspot and execute the carbon reduction design for landscape project more efficiently.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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