


To Construct a Managerial Model of Smart Green Building for Energy Saving through MMR System




廖俊茂(Jun-Mao Liao);張陸滿(Luh-Maan Chang);張明瑞(Ming-Jui Chang)


耗電密度 ; 綠建築 ; 機器學習 ; 智慧建築 ; 支援向量機 ; Energy Use Intensity ; Green Building ; Machine Learning ; Smart Building ; Support Vector Machine




113期(2020 / 09 / 30)


25 - 45




面對氣候變遷能源短缺,政府持續推動智慧綠建築以為因應。因此探討最高等級智慧綠建築標章的建築,於運轉期間如何發揮節能最大績效至為重要。本研究以中台灣產業創新園區為例,於運轉期間,運用 Measure量測、Manage管理、Reduce節電系統,整合微智慧電網系統及建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling)之空間管理資訊,彙整出各類空間及設施系統之詳細能耗資料,並以時間序列及影響耗電因子進行統計分析,運用線性回歸及支援向量機技術,訂定各空間及設施系統的耗能基線,作為運轉調控,建構一套節能管理模式,以發揮智慧綠建築較佳節能效益。本研究除揭露研發大樓各類空間及設施詳細耗電資訊外,其節能管理的建模架構,將可供建築師、業主、物業管理單位進入智慧綠建築運轉階段時之參考使用。


To cope with energy shortage problem, Taiwan Government continues to promote smart green buildings. Therefore, it is important to study how to maximize the operational performance of energy-saving for those smart green buildings, particularly for those receiving the highest-level smart green building badge certificate. The purpose of this paper is to present a managerial energy saving model for smart green buildings. This study used the case of Central Taiwan Industrial Innovation Campus to exemplify the managerial model. During operation, the Measure, Manage, Reduce system was used to integrate the micro-smart grid system and building information model with space management information. Thus, detailed energy consumption data for various types of space and facility system were aggregated. Meanwhile, statistical analyses were performed in terms of time sequence and influencing power consumption factors. Moreover, linear regression and support vector machine technology were used to specify the energy consumption baseline for each space and facility system. Then, a set of energy-saving management models for operation control was constructed to enhance the effective energy saving for smart green buildings. In addition to revealing power consumption information in detail for various types of space and facility of the R & D building, the modeling framework can be used by architects, property owners, and property managers as a useable reference for energy-saving management.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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