


Methodology of Remote Built Environment Simulation Using UAV Tilt Photography 3D Modeling




束博(Bo Shu);張效通(Hsiao-Tung Chang)


無人機 ; 傾斜攝影 ; 遠距調查 ; 環境模擬 ; 風環境分析 ; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ; Tilt Photography ; Remote Survey ; Environment Simulation ; CFD Simulation




117期(2021 / 09 / 30)


117 - 139






The environmental simulation of the built environment in the remote hillside area has always troubled planners. It is not only the difficulty of surveying and mapping the built environment, but also the difficulty of 3D modeling and environmental simulation, which highlights the dilemma of planners and designers. Therefore, this paper attempts to make use of the built environment in the remote area to carry out 3D modeling with UAV tilt photography, so as to apply it to the environment simulation, and to develop a set of simple methodology for planning designers' reference. The research results are: 1. Establish the methodology of the built environment simulation in the remote area; 2. Through the field case analysis of Yangmingshan Chinese Culture University as an example, verify the feasibility of the construction of the 3D model and the physical environment simulation methodology in the remote mountain area. Finally, discuss the application of this methodology.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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