


Spatial Design Strategies of Japanese Colonial City-Taking Tainan Taisho Park Roundabout as an Example




柯明賢(Ming-Hsien Ko)


都市設計 ; 臺南市 ; 日治時期 ; 市區改正 ; 圓環 ; Urban Design ; Tainan City ; Japanese Colonial Rule ; City Development Plan ; Roundabout




120期(2022 / 06 / 30)


53 - 78






Japan acquired Taiwan as a colony in 1895. However, its initial inexperience led to various problems. Taiwan's oldest city, Tainan, had long been the political, economic, and cultural center of Taiwan. It was also where the Japanese encountered the fiercest resistance. Therefore, the Government-General of Taiwan was forced to treat the city with caution, and the governance experience and techniques of advanced Western countries were regarded as the most effective ones. This article used the Tainan City's urban corrections, urban expansion plans, and urban plans during the Japanese colonial period. Discuss the principles and purpose of the urban space system at that time. First, this study described the spatial background and urban base of Tainan City in the late Qing Dynasty. Second, analyses were conducted on the space transformation plan of the Governor's Mansion. Finally, the study explored the function and value of the urban space system formed by the roundabout. The study found that the roundabout strategy was the political and authoritative spatial display of the Government-General of Taiwan, the centrally integrated transportation layout and spatial experience, and assisted in the urban governance during the colonial period, and was the technique for Japanese to follow the prescription of Western radial urban design.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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