


Professional Course Streaming in Interior Design: Example of Differences between Residential and Non-Residential Space




謝淳鈺(Cynthia Chun-Yu Hsieh);顧擇承(Tse-Cheng Ku)


設計教育 ; 學用落差 ; 專業分項 ; 住宅空間 ; 課程分流 ; Design Education ; Gap between Education and Application ; Professional Diversification ; Residential Space ; Streaming In Education




120_S期:建築設計教學及設計教育專刊Ⅳ(2022 / 06 / 30)


1 - 21






The types of interior design spaces are much diversified, including commercial, office and residential spaces, which can also be divided into food, sales industry, and factory offices. This research is focusing on asking two questions in responding to the gap between the industry and academia. 1. What is the difference in the work content between non-residential and residential spaces in interior design practice? 2. Is it possible for interior design education to have professional courses for non-residential space and residential space respectively (streaming)? Step one: Qualitative: expert interview method- this method discusses the difference between residential and non-residential professional knowledge in the process of education and career. Step two: Quantitative: Questionnaire survey method, based on the interior design work items sorted out in the literature and method one, we use questionnaires to understand the detailed differences in professional knowledge of each different category. The results of the study have found that there are 31 professional work items can be divided into five major aspects: 1. User and their evaluation. 2. Professional knowledge. 3. Communication and presentation. 4. Documents and regulations. 5. Project management integration. These five aspects show significant differences in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Among them, aspects2 is the most significant, while aspects3 is the least significant. This result demonstrates that if we want to narrow down the gap between industry and academia, it will be necessary to teach courses with medium, high level of differences and difficulties by utilizing streaming education.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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