The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between user's visual information difference and evacuation behavior, such as fast or slow movement, stagnation and detour. This research is based on the Space Syntax's visual field tool, Isovist. The simulation process is recorded in a fixed period of time, making it a route with time factor, and then we employ analytical parameter, Visual Area and the Range, quantitatively to analyze the subject's visual information and behavior patterns, to clarify stagnation and detour behavior during the process. This paper records and analyzes usage behaviors in the form of spatial visual information maps and behavioral movement stamps as well, so it is named as "visual Notation". In this study, 54 valid sample data were collected through the VR fire scene simulation experiment. It is preliminarily inferred that the spatial characteristics of the subject's stagnation and detour locations are the large gap between Virtual Area and Relative Visibility, Visual Integration-HH. Even the location is in the high visual search volume, it's hard to interpret the overall spatial configurations from local area, and ultimately make a wrong movement decision.
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