This article is mainly investigating the Braille stickers of barrier-free elevators in domestic buildings, setting up the " Field Pattern " on the left side of the buttons inside and outside the cabin, and amending it in accordance with the order of the Ministry of the Interior 2019.1.4 Taiwan Neiying No. 1070820550, "Elevation In Braille for Equipment, the " Standard Pattern " mode constructed in this article: Floor, Upper and Lower, Switch, and Warning. Then carry out " Error Pattern Analysis " including (word meaning/content), setting location, material and other errors, and finally propose " Correction Pattern " solutions; to facilitate the correctness of the visually impaired people's operation and identification, and propose Reference to the training regulations of the Braille standard. This article is aimed at the elevator Braille patch, the result of the " Error Pattern Analysis ": in terms of the "Floor ": (1) "B4~B1" Braille Signage: (1) The uppercase of B is marked with lowercase b, (2) The right side of the button/pattern rotates 90° the error. (2) Braille Signage on the "1~9" floors: (1) The floor number buttons are different from the Braille, (2) The patch is reversed 180° the error. (3) Braille patch-error factor ratio: the highest value is 38% in "Warning Chapter - Word Meaning and Content". Reference party for training regulations: Propose addition Braille for barrier-free elevators in my country. Add "Extended (ㄧㄢˊ)": functional positioning "long-term care institutions", "hospitals".
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