


Research on the Influence of Local Residents' to Support of Healthy and Therapy Town - Take Z County, Guizhou as an Example




劉馥瑤(Fu-Yao Liu);孟奕如(Yi-Ru Meng)


康養小鎮 ; 基層政府信任 ; 參與意願 ; 支持度 ; Healthy and Therapy Town ; Local Government Trust ; Resident Participation Willingness ; Policy Support




123期(2023 / 03 / 31)


87 - 108






The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship among residents' participation willingness, local government trust and support in the construction of health and therapy town in Z County, Guizhou. In this paper, adopted purposive sampling in the core community of the health town and selected 5% of the total population as testers, obtaining 443 valid questionnaires, and descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis and structural equation modeling were performed on them. According to the results, residents' participation willingness has a positive and significant impact on local government trust, while government trust has a positive and significant influence on policy support. The full mediation of local government trust has between residents' participation willingness and support; the influence of moderating function on participation willingness and support is moderated by types of workers that farmers generally do higher in participation willingness and support than non-farmers. The results show that the residents' trust in the local government should be strengthened to create a suitable atmosphere of interaction between the government and the people, and present the priority should be given to the farmer participation and social security mechanism.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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