


The Method and Effect of Landscape Tree Surgery




籃世旭(Shi-Shu Lan);盧惠敏(Huei-Min Lu)


VTA ; 樹木腐朽菌 ; 傷口癒傷組織 ; 樹幹殘壁厚度樹徑比 ; 改良式樹木清創治療 ; VTA ; Decay Fungus ; Wound Callus ; Modified Tree Debridement Surgery ; the Ratio of Trunk Residual Wall Thickness and Radius (t/R)




125期(2023 / 09 / 30)


79 - 96






Trees have a huge impact on human being living in cities. They can not only beautify the environment, filter air and water, but also stimulate positive emotions and represent the cultural, historical, geographical, ecological, and other characteristics of each city. Therefore, more attentions should be paid to the health and risk issues of trees in cities to avoid tree infection disasters and public safety issues such as unexpected tree falling without warning or branch breakage. The purpose of this study is mainly to explore the decay treatment through "modified tree surgery" through the "Landscape Tree VTA (Visual Tree Assessment) Form", including wound decay debridement and removal, high-temperature carbonization protection, and wound protection agent application. An analysis of 9 cases was conducted to explore whether it can effectively inhibit decay bacteria and promote the recovery of tree growth. The research results show that using the "Landscape Tree VTA Form" to evaluate the growth status of trees before and after modified tree surgery is feasible but has its limitations. If there is a growth recovery period of more than five years after surgery, then there will be a significant relationship between the score of the VTA and the health of the tree. If the recovery period is less than five years, it is necessary to observe the formation of callus tissue from the decayed wound, the reduction of the wound area, and the absence of tissue fluid leakage to determine whether the "modified tree surgery" will help the tree growth. Experts and scholars worldwide have many different opinions on the effectiveness of tree surgery. These differences may be due to different plant species, different environmental conditions, different animal and plant ecology, and different treatment methods used by each company. Follow-up research could explore how these differences affect surgical outcomes.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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