


Landscape of Guerrilla: Representational Spaces in Teaching Fields




朱百鏡(Pai-Ching Chu)


游擊都市主義 ; 景觀秩序 ; 再現空間 ; 教學實踐研究 ; Guerrilla Urbanism ; Ordre Specyaculaire ; Representational Spaces ; Teaching Practice Research




124_S期:建築設計教學及建築教育專刊(2023 / 06 / 30)


1 - 24






Advanced architecture design course bridges students from design training in an undergraduate program to design research in a graduate program, bearing important training goals under a teaching context. For design research methods, the required skills are reading and organizing literature, observing the phenomenon of a site, establishing research methods, writing, and verifying. These skills are essential for students and must be taught systematically during the advanced architectural design course. In this study, we established the argument structure and guerrilla tactics from literature reading and collective discussion using the campus and student life space as the site. We entered the site to read the landscape with intentions. Students carried out topic assignment tasks from their individual and collective needs using specific perspectives based on their research direction. Finally, we revitalized the joint work by curation with student life as the topic. At the same time, these works can serve as the campus life space planning. We aim to empower students with design research methods during teaching practice research.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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