


An Initial Exploration of Multiple Dialogues Framework in Basic Design Education and Discourse: "Spatial Conceptual Vocabulary" as a Method for Curriculum Research




徐玉姈(Yu-Ling Shiu)


課程理論 ; 設計工作室 ; 知識型 ; 教學研究 ; 話語分析 ; Curriculum Theory ; Design Studio ; Episteme ; Teaching Research ; Discourse Analysis




124_S期:建築設計教學及建築教育專刊(2023 / 06 / 30)


43 - 64






The Basic Design studio has always played an essential role in introducing beginners to spatial awareness. Based on understanding vocabulary as the foundation of knowledge, this paper explores the critical role of spatial conceptual vocabulary in spatial design education. This phenomenon reflects the integration of course knowledge and spatial experience in teaching and learning. Within the design studio's unique teaching and evaluation model, instructional documents serve as the basis for communication among teaching, practice, and critique. In Taiwan's spatial design education, which often relies on imported discourses, it is necessary to consider the formation and development of curriculum research to understand the influence of contemporary perspectives on past curricula. This study aims to investigate a three-part discourse framework developed through a literature review and analysis of instructional documents, with reference to Adrian Forty's commentary on the concept of space. This framework will contribute to a systematic dialogue among the three parties, encompassing the experimental design teaching of architectural theory, the feedback of architectural theory through design teaching, and the evaluation of theoretical practices through design research.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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