
An Ant Colony Algorithm for Improving the Net Present Values of Resource Constrained Projects






壽湧毅(Yong-Yi Shou)


人工蟻群 ; 資源受限專案 ; 淨現值 ; ant colony ; resource-constrained project ; net present value




23卷6期(2006 / 11 / 01)


478 - 483




對於多數工期較長、現金流較大的工程專案而言,淨現值(net present value, NPV)是非常重要的專案管理指標。同時,一般的專案所能調動的資源相當受限,如何合理調配資源,優化工程進度,從而改善專案淨現值,就成為重要的課題。本文提出一種基於人工蟻群(artificial ant colony)的演算法,以改進資源受限專案的淨現值。該演算法根據人工蟻群逐步產生的費洛蒙(pheromone)動態調整與優化專案的資源分配,從而逐步提高項目的淨現值。其他演化式演算法中的相應技術,如交叉遺傳、反向變異、精英策略,亦加以採用以加速演算法的搜索進程。該演算法亦採用反向調度技術進一步調整進度計畫,以提高專案淨現值。計算實驗的結果顯示,本文所提出的蟻群演算法可以較顯著地改進資源受限專案的淨現值。


An ant colony algorithm is proposed to improve the net present values of resource-constrained projects since the net present value is a critical criterion for a project with a long time span and considerable cash flows. The algorithm adaptively adjusts the allocation of scarce resources according to the pheromone generated by artificial ants in the previous iterations so as to maximize the project's net present value. The crossover operation, inverse mutation and elitist strategy are applied to accelerate the searching for better project schedules, and the backward scheduling technique is adopted to improve the net present value further. The experimental test results show that the proposed algorithm significantly improves the net present values of resource-constrained projects.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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