
The Relationship between Quality of Healthcare Service and Customer Satisfaction-An Example of Hospitals in Taiwan






李婉怡(Wan-I Lee);張添香(Tien-Hsiang Chang);趙珮如(Pei-Ju Chao)


顧客滿意 ; 醫療服務品質 ; Kano模式 ; 病患的聲音 ; customer satisfaction ; healthcare service quality ; Kano's model ; voice of patient




24卷1期(2007 / 01 / 01)


81 - 95




本研究從健康照護服務的觀點探討服務品質與顧客滿意度之關聯。研究專注於傾聽病患的聲音,並藉由使用NUD* IST (N6)軟體以編碼為基礎的方式來探索及調查質性資料。研究發現除能反應健康照護服務品質的優缺點特徵外,亦與目前台灣所關注的健康照護議題息息相關。研究同時描繪出病患之服務品質流程滿意度概念圖,並應用Kano模式來說明顧客特徵與分析顧客滿意行為及其與健康照護服務品質的關連性。研究結果顯示,病患較在意醫師的關懷,而較忽略醫療費用。因此,醫療機構經營管理者應妥善規劃來訓練醫師及護理人員的溝通技巧,以提升顧客滿意度。


A case study is presented to evaluate the image of service quality, customer satisfaction from the perspective of healthcare services. The study focuses on listening to the voice of patient (VOP), by using NUD* IST (N6) software for code-based inquiry and searching qualitative data. The findings, reflecting strengths and weaknesses attributes of healthcare service quality, are relevant to issues concerning healthcare in Taiwan. A concept map for patients' satisfaction about service quality process was depicted. Customer attributes is illustrated by the application of Kano's model of how customer satisfaction behaves and the relationship between customer satisfaction and the quality of healthcare services is analyzed. The results reveal that patients pay most attention on ”physician care”, and have less concern with ”hospital costs”. Healthcare managers need strategies to train physicians' and nurses' communication skills in order to enhance customer satisfaction.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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