
Inward Beliefs in High Technological Performance: An Empirical Study






魏文欽(Wen-Chin Wei)


技術特性 ; 引進技術授權信念 ; 製造績效 ; 兩階LISREL ; TBPM ; technological attributes ; inward licensing belief ; manufacturing performance ; Two-step LISREL ; TBPM




25卷2期(2008 / 03 / 01)


174 - 186




本研究以台灣電子、機械、電腦與生物科技產業爲抽樣範圍,使用兩階LISREL (LInear Structure RELation)建立一個「技術特性、引進技術授權信念與績效」理論模式(TBPM)。實證結果顯示:技術內隱性對績效產生顯著直接的正向影響,並透過技術預期有效性顯著影響績效。技術內隱性對技術易用性產生顯著負面影響。最後,技術相容性分別對技術有效性與績效產生顯著正向影響效果。由判斷係數發現:技術有效性、技術內隱性與技術相容性對績效變異之解釋能力達56%,而技術內隱性及技術相容性對技術有效性變異之解釋能力達35%。


This study samples Taiwan's electronics, mechanical, computer, and bioengineering industries, using a two-step LISREL (LInear Structure RELation) to establish a theoretical model for technological attributes, inward licensing beliefs, and performance (TBPM). The evidence indicates that technology implicitness has strong and positive influences and, through technology usefulness (U), significantly influences performance. Technology implicitness significantly and negatively influences technology ease of use (EOU). Lastly, technology compatibility significantly and positively influences U and performance, respectively. R^2 values show that U, technology implicitness, and technology compatibility account for 56 percent of the variance in performance, while technology implicitness and technology compatibility account for 35 percent of the variance in U.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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