
Determinants Affecting the Adoption Time of ISO 9000 Standards Across Countries


各國採用ISO 9000標準之時機的影響因素




王明妤(Ming-Yeu Wang)


採用時間 ; 創新擴散 ; 存活分析 ; ISO 9000標準 ; adoption time ; innovation diffusion ; survival analysis ; ISO 9000 standards




25卷6期(2008 / 11 / 01)


497 - 509




ISO 9000標準已在全球擴散且被各國廠商廣爲採用。雖然許多ISO 9000標準的專家能根據其經驗提出影響各國廠商採用ISO 9000標準快慢的因素爲何,但這些依經驗而提出的影響因素至今尚缺客觀數據的支持與科學方法的驗證。因此本研究以創新擴散理論與過往ISO 9000標準的執行實務建立研究假設,藉由存活分析的方法分析71個國家的資料,探討那些國家的特性可以解釋國家內的廠商對ISO 9000標準有不同的採用時間。實證結果發現一國的工業化程度、富裕程度、政治體制、政府對經濟體的涉入程度、以及科學與技術知識程度可顯著地解釋各國對ISO 9000標準的採用時間有快慢不同,是影響各國採用時間的因素。


The ISO 9000 standards have been diffused globally. The possible influence on the adoption time for ISO 9000 standards by various countries is still reported according to expert impressions and has not been tested scientifically. Therefore, this study proposes hypotheses based on the innovation diffusion theory and practice of ISO 9000 standards to examine what national characteristics can explain the adoption time of ISO 9000 standards by different countries. Moreover, this study applies the survival analysis and the data of 71 countries to investigate the significant determinants influencing adoption time of ISO 9000 standards by different countries. The analytical results demonstrate that degree of national industrialization, national wealth, non-isolated countries, government intervention, and level of scientific and technological knowledge are significant determinants.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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