
Simultaneous Pricing, Due-Date Setting and Scheduling for Make-To-Order Firms with Contingent Orders






劉書助(Shu-Chu Liu);劉俊輝(Chun-Hui Liu)


同時解決價格 ; 交期與排程的問題 ; 訂單式生產 ; 未確定訂單 ; 競標模式 ; 混合搜尋法 ; simultaneous pricing ; due-date setting ; and scheduling problem SPDSP ; make-to-order MTO firms ; contingent orders ; bidding mode ; hybrid heuristic method




26卷1期(2009 / 01 / 01)


32 - 43




顧客在未確定訂單由誰生產時,一般會先尋問數個有意競標的訂單式生產公司,之後再根據此資訊決定得標廠商。此詢問訂單對廠商來說即爲未確定訂單,而價格、交期和排程爲訂單式生產公司對未確定訂單的三個主要決策,因其相互影響,如何同時決定此三決策顯得相對重要。過去研究主要在有限產能下,根據最大期望利潤決定價格、交期,而排程則採一般派遣規則如先到先服務或最早交期法。本研究針對未確定訂單提出一競標模式,根據最大期望利潤,同時解決價格、交期與排程的問題。因最佳解搜尋爲NP問題(Non-polynomial problem),故本研究採用混合搜尋法解決此問題。實驗結果顯示本研究所提出的方法相較以往研究或單一搜尋法能得到更佳利潤。


Customers may inquiry several make-to-order (MTO) firms participating in the bidding competition and then decide which bid to accept. The inquiry orders from customers are contingent orders for MTO firms. In MTO firms, pricing, due-date setting and scheduling are three major decisions for the bids regarding the contingent orders. Since they affect one another, how to determine price, due date and schedule simultaneously becomes an important issue. In the past, price and due date are determined together based on the maximal expected marginal revenue criterion under the fixed capacity constraint and some dispatching rules such as early due date (EDD), first-come-first-serve (FCFS), etc., are used for scheduling. In this paper, a bidding model for the simultaneous pricing, due-date setting and scheduling problem (SPDSP) regarding the contingent orders in MTO firms is proposed based on the maximal expected marginal revenue criterion. Since searching for the optimal solution in this model is an NP (non-polynomial) problem, a hybrid heuristic method, which overcomes the search ineffectiveness problem of pure global search heuristic methods, is proposed to solve this problem. The results show our proposed method is better than the existing methods and pure global search heuristic methods in terms of average total marginal revenue per order.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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