
Tool Portfolio Planning in the Back-End Process of Wafer Fabrication with Sequential Time Constraints






杜瑩美(Ying-Mei Tu);陳欣男(Hsin-Nan Chen)


機台組合規劃 ; 連續型等候時間限制 ; 等候網路 ; 晶圓製造 ; tool portfolio planning ; sequential time constraints ; queuing networks ; wafer fabrications




26卷1期(2009 / 01 / 01)


60 - 69




在晶圓製造的後段製程中,特別是在製程技術發展至銅製程之後,連續型等候時間限制已是無法避免的管理難題。當吾人面對來自等候時間限制問題的挑戰時,必須先從有效的產能規劃方向著手,透過適當的機台組合(tool portfolio)降低問題的複雜性。本研究之主要目爲,提出一套在晶圓製造後段製程中有效的機台組合規劃手法。透過此方法,吾人可以決策各機台種類需要多少產能,方能達成管理者預先設立之目標。在模式建立上,本研究透過GI/G/m等候模型的修正,使其能完整呈現晶圓製造之特性。各工作站以等候系統加以呈現並相互串連,整個後段製程即可成爲一個完整之等候網路。此外,本研究更提出將機台當機視爲虛擬顧客的概念,進行等候系統平均服務率與服務時間變異的修正,更準確及有效地表達機台當機對系統之影響。在研究結果的分析中,透過模擬實驗證實本模式能準確且有效地解決連續行等候時間限制問題。此外,實驗結果分析更指出,晶圓製造產業現行的產能擴充政策,在面對等候時間限制問題時,有重新思考的必要。


Time constraints related issues are unavoidable tasks in wafer fabrications, especially for back-end copper-interconnect process while the wafers are processed through sets of continuous operations associate with various time constraints. We shall address ourselves to capacity planning in order to eradicate the difficulties of sequential time constraints. This paper proposed a tool portfolio determination model to determine the required quantity and type of tools for ensuring pre-defined target yield could be achieved. The workstations are modeled as GI/G/m queuing network, and the analysis of rate of wafers exceeding queue time is adopted to determine the required capacity. Furthermore, a virtual customer was introduced into the model to adjust system service rate to character the machine failure. By this approach, the influence of downtime duration at fixed machine availability could be observed. The results support that the proposed model can more effectively resolve the issues of sequential time constraints. Moreover, the analysis results indicate that the current capacity expansion policy of the semiconductor industry should be re-examined.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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