
A Non-Additive Model for the Evaluation of Portal Website Service Quality






姜齊(Chi Chiang);李志成(Chih-Cheng Lee);曾國雄(Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng)


服務品質 ; 模糊理論 ; 模糊積分 ; 層級分析法 ; 多準則決策 ; service quality ; fuzzy set theory ; fuzzy integral ; analytic hierarchy process ; multiple criteria decision making




26卷5期(2009 / 09 / 01)


355 - 366






Due to the rapid growth of usage of Internet and WWW, there has been a fast growth in Internet users and related service industries in the past few years. Portal websites have shown its growing ability and economic benefit on business competition. In practical environments, Internet users face a variety of service quality of portal websites that are vague from human beings' subjective judgments, and most criteria have interdependent or interactive characteristics. These problems may not be correctly evaluated by conventional additive measures, and crisp data cannot represent precisely the perception of portal website service quality. To overcome these problems, this study aims to propose a non-additive model based on fuzzy integral and AHP for evaluating the service quality of portal websites from Internet users' viewpoint under fuzzy environment. In this paper, the ratings and weights of these criteria are assessed by linguistic (natural language) variables expressed in triangular fuzzy numbers. Therefore, a model based on linguistic variable and fuzzy integral is proposed to deal with evaluating the service quality of portal websites in this study. In order to show the practicality and usefulness of this model, an empirical case of the Taiwan portal website is demonstrated to highlight the procedure of proposed model at the end of this paper. The results show that providers of portal website improve properly the service quality of portal website for satisfying of customer's needs is the most applicable.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學總論
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