


The Analysis of EMF Risk Controversies and Reflection on Risk Governance




高淑芬(Shu-Fen Kao);邱紹華(Shao-Hua Qiu)


風險治理 ; 電磁波 ; 風險爭議 ; 預防原則 ; 不確定性 ; risk governance ; EMF ; risk controversy ; the precautionary principle ; uncertainty




13卷1期(2013 / 12 / 01)


41 - 92




不同來源電磁場(Electromagnetic Fields, EMF)健康風險,是近年來台灣社會高度關切且有爭議的新興科技發展議題之一,電磁波所引發的爭議突顯出傳統自然科學所能處理的風險爭議與評估的侷限。本文從實證案例觀察出發,解析台灣電磁輻射風險爭議的本質與現階段電磁波風險治理之困境,進而討論參與式風險治理典範發展的可能,盼望藉由這種新取向,我們得以提高台灣電磁波風險治理中科學嚴謹性與民主的合法性。


Health risks posed by Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from various sources has been one of the most controversial topics involving emerging technologies in Taiwan. Controversies stemming from EMF exposure reveal the limitation of the traditional natural sciences in managing risk assessment. Utilizing a qualitative approach, including interview research and secondary data analysis, this article investigates the nature of the controversies surrounding EMF and the challenges currently facing EMF risk governance. The paper also discusses the possibility of employing participatory risk governance in Taiwan to manage EMF risk. The authors hope the new paradigm of risk governance will serve to enhance democratic legitimacy and scientific rigor.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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