


Risk in Evaluation System Operations for Public-private Partnerships: An Examination of Eldercare Institutions




王光旭(Guang-Xu Wang);洪凱龍(Kai-Long Hong)


老人福利機構 ; 公私合夥 ; 機構評鑑 ; 服務委外 ; 臺南 ; Eldercare Institution ; Public-private Partnership ; Institution Evaluation ; Social Service Outsourcing ; Tainan




19卷1期(2019 / 12 / 01)


97 - 143






In recent years, due to fiscal constraints and an ageing society, public-private partnership (PPP) has been seen as one of the best strategies for providing eldercare in Taiwan. Hence, management of collaborative mechanisms for eldercare service provision has become an important topic in public administration and social policy. However, most scholars examine the issue from a government-centric viewpoint, focusing on how to reduce the costs of collaborative mechanisms through monitoring of the private institutions entrusted by the government to provide eldercare. These analyses completely neglect the possibility that the government is in fact the primary cause of problems in these collaborative efforts. This paper examines how transaction costs imposed by the government might lead to failures in eldercare provision by investigating eldercare institutions in Tainan City. Mail-questionnaire survey data collected from the managers of 48 eldercare institutions in Tainan are analyzed. The study's findings indicate that (1) compared with middle-sized and large institutions, small institutions feel the government does not respect them enough; (2) smaller institutions are more likely than middle-sized and large institutions to view evaluation indicators as difficult or unrealistic and as inconsistent with their current needs; (3) operation of the evaluation system suffers from formalism and a gap exists between the effects and costs of evaluation. The study offers policy suggestions for modifying eldercare institution evaluation in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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