


Using the Participatory Action Research Approach to Explore Social Economy and Network Governance for Long-term Care: A Case Study of Elderly Care with Homie Care Model in Puli




江大樹(Ta-Shu Chiang);詹弘廷(Hung-Ting Chan);李希昌(His-Chang Li);梁鎧麟(Kai-Lin Liang)


長期照顧 ; 社會經濟 ; 網絡治理 ; 大學社會責任(USR) ; 厚熊笑狗 ; Long-Term Care ; Social Economy ; Network Governance ; University Social Responsibility (USR) ; Homie Puli




20卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 45






Taiwan's Long-Term Care (LTC) Plan 2.0 introduced in 2016. In order to step into the community and experiment with a set of social design practices, the team of USR of NCNU have worked proactively with civil groups, Puli Christian Hospital and Quixotic Implement Foundation (NPO) to set up the Community Care Network since 2017. This project proposed a working model that recognizes, facilitates and supports informal neighborhood care networks (called Homie Care System) at multiple levels. To explore social economy and network governance of the innovative model for elderly care, we conducted the participatory action research analysis using data from Puli town involving 25 communities, 8 NPO and 13 local enterprises. The results of this study indicate that "trust", "value identification", "resource-sharing" and "norms" directly impact implementation to Community Care Network. The novel Homie Care model developed by USR team of NCNU may provide a useful experience for future research on social practices and offer some specific recommendations for practices and policies for long-term care.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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