
From Mediate and Moderate View to Untangle the Relationship among Product Innovation Performance, Cross-Functional Cooperation and Quality Practices




Wen-Chin Wei


Quality Practices ; Cross-functional Cooperation ; Product Innovation Performance ; Structural Equation Modeling


International Journal of Information and Management Sciences


21:4(2010 / 12 / 01)


365 - 390




This study advances research on quality practices and product innovation performance by examining how critical quality practices and cross-functional cooperation will influence innovation, under the process of mediation and moderation of knowledge integration mechanism. Based on 344 effective respondents from three categories of Taiwan's companies: bicycles, motors, manufacturing, the evidence indicates that quality objective will be the potent drivers of product innovation performance. In addition, managers need to make efforts to lessen the negative impact that derive from the sticky standardization procedures of ISO 9000 they may stifle the creativity of employee. Lastly, the evidence supports that the influence created by cross-functional cooperation on product innovation will be strengthened by knowledge integration mechanism.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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